A working mom manifesto

As women, we will save this planet with our collective voices, perspectives, wisdom, ideas, and skills.

And, also, as mothers, we will raise the next generation of leaders.

We must be willing to do both beautifully, but to do both requires a new kind of bravery and a re-focus of attention.

Doing both beautifully requires a willingness to be vulnerable. We must be willing to make mistakes and then to repair with compassion. We must be willing to not know the answer and then find one from a place of curiosity rather than fear. We must be willing to feel wobbly and then to steady ourselves from the inside out while the world throws waves of unpredictibility our way.

To do both beautifully requires a willingness to feel. Because, as women, we know that inside those feelings lie the answers for what to do next.

To “do it all” requires a Divine Femininity that looks very different from the male version of “getting it done.” This “doing it all” is not about the physical strength and endurance, stoicism, or power that many men so frequently lead by and that we know will result in burnout..

As women, “doing it all” requires us to slow down, To pause. To feel. To reflect. To listen. To connect with what matters most in the end- relationships- and then take the next step from there.

And women, we must be willing to “do it all” because the world needs us to turn this chaos around.

But, together, we must first redefine what “do it all” looks like so that we can stay healthy, secure, joyful, energized, and deeply connected throughout the journey. So we can lead by example, rather than a by more toxic power that leads to exhaustion and trauma.

You with me?


Is your Child okay?


How to eliminate guilt around self care in motherhood