Find Your Flourish: FREE Live Workshop!


Join Kate Kripke for a FREE live workshop on maternal self-care!

  • WHEN: Saturday, October 22 2022 from 10am - 12pm MST

  • WHERE: Virtual (Zoom)

  • WHAT: Together we’ll explore how to become the mother you want to be. Ready to create a beautiful life? Your journey to your own happiness (and your child’s happiness) starts by working on yourself. Bursting with two hours of informative, inspirational, and engaging content, this virtual live workshop will move the needle for you to give you everything that you need to begin a journey towards thriving in motherhood. Plus, you’ll receive access to our private Facebook group to keep the conversations going after this event concludes!

  • WITH: Kate Kripke (and other moms!)

  • WATCH IT LATER: If you miss the live workshop, no sweat! Sign up and receive the recording after the live workshop concludes.


What you can expect:

  • 2 hours of virtual Live Workshop time with Kate Kripke.

  • Research-based content on biological, psychological, social, and spiritual health in motherhood and the connection between maternal mental health and child mental health.

  • Small breakout groups for deeper conversations with moms like you.

  • Complimentary access to our private Facebook group to keep the conversation going.

  • Complimentary access to the workshop recording once the event concludes.


What we’ll uncover:

  1. Why maternal mental health is so important and how your health impacts your kids’ health.

  2. How to begin the process of shifting your mindset and perspective into a direction of abundant health and personal growth.

  3. How to watch your relationship with your children grow and reflect on the direct impact that your new way of being in the world have on the health and happiness of your kids.

What you’ll gain:

  • Tools for gaining control over your brain health that will lead to more joy, more time, more patience, and a greater sense of fulfillment.

  • The chance to connect with other compassionate, brilliant, and motivated mothers like yourself.


What Moms are Saying

“I cannot say enough good things about Kate Kripke. She is amazing, and I am so grateful to have had the chance to work with her. Because of her, I feel like I’m a better mom, I’m a better friend, I’m a better spouse…and I take more joy in my life than I thought was possible, and I’m doing things that I never even thought were possible. And I’m having so much fun doing them, and it is all because of my work with Kate. I couldn’t be more grateful.”

1:1 Coaching Client